It all starts on My CB Desk

All the tools for your business are here on Desk.

Desk 2

We offer a suite of tools for your business from your daily business activities to marketing:

  • DotLoop - e-sign
  • MyDeals - transaction input
  • MoxiWorks - CMA, CRM, personal website and digital marketing center
  • Prospect Square - email marketing
  • MarketQuest - up-to-date market information
  • And so much more...

Spotlight Marketing Program

Marketing A Home
In today’s competitive real estate market, the key to success is differentiation – doing common things in an uncommon way. In fact, differentiation from the competition has become the cornerstone of outstanding real estate service.

We offer our agents exceptional property marketing that is designed to turn one listing into three, win the listing and eliminate the commission debate by showing your value.

Let's talk about this comprehensive program that no other brokerage can offer.

Print Marketing

Our comprehensive plan includes professionally printed mailers, full-color property brochures and so much more. From concept to completion, your property will be uniquely cared for and expertly marketed.

Digital Marketing

Virtual marketing, the most strategic means of targeting buyers in this environment, gets results quickly and broadens our reach.

Unique Strategy

Our exclusive property spotlight marketing plan offers results that other brokerages simply can’t match – helping you net more on the sale of your house*.

*Properties that utilized the Coldwell Banker Realty property spotlight marketing plan had a higher average sales price than those properties that did not leverage the plan. Based on plan usage data reported Jan. 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2023. Results are not guaranteed.

Listing Concierge - Spotlight Marketing - How Sold Happens